Welkomen This Is Me - The one and only Wina Anggari

And the stories begin ....

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dulu: (Pura-pura) Jadi Sales Body Lotion

Seingat saya,  ini saya lakukan dalam rangka tugas matkul speaking. Kami diharuskan menjadi sales salah satu produk. Dan saya pada waktu itu membawa sample salah satu produk hand body lotion. Berikut ini transkrip saya saat itu: # tentu saja dengan gaya yang ngak sales banget#
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.,
Good morning everybody. How are you today? Fine, I think. First, I will introduce myself. My name is Wina and I’m from U****** Indonesia Tbk. Company. (Harusnya Open Company ya. Hahaha). Today I want introduce our new product. It’s called by C**** Body Lotion Green Tea # Ngeluarin sebuah botol berlatar warna hijau muda dengan gambar seorang perempuan, masih terisi penuh karena semalam baru saja membeli di warung sebelah kos#. C**** Body Lotion Green Tea is a lotion that consists of Green Tea Extract and make your skin always fresh and health. (Healthy seharusnya, grammar error saya). You can fell the softness of this body lotion that not sticky# berjalan kearah penonton/teman - teman dan memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk mencoba. Hehehe, sepertinya mereka ketagihan dan minta ada tester gratis 1 botol buat mereka#. And it quickly goes through into the skin, so make our skin fragrant and soft all day.
For the first meet # first meeting mungkin, hehehe salah lagi saya# I will give you a nice bargain. If you buy this now, we will give you 20% discount for a packet that consists of three same products. The price of this packet is Rp. 13.500,00 but you only pay Rp 10.800,00 if you buy now #uda kayak sales beneran#. So what are you waiting, hurry up! Take your money and buy this product right now. #Beberapa teman menunjukkan ketertarikannya. Seorang teman perempuan berinisial E W M , dengan sepasang mata bolanya yang berkacamata bahkan tersenyum tiga jari diantara binar-binar matanya.  Mungkin dia shock karena setelah ini giliran dia untuk presentasi#. We only have a limited in amount. Anyway, if you have problem and some questions please call us at the information centre on Consumer Voice in 0-800-1-234567. Its free payment (free charge maksudnya, tiga kali salah dapet piring cantik. :) so you don’t need to pay this. We always wait you.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb. 
Comment saya: Banyak grammar error. #garuk-garuk kepala,bukan karena udah lama ngak keramas ya. hahaha#. Kala itu: What a lovely day! Miss my school. Miss you my friends!Dan mengalunlah lagu "Graduation-Friends Forever" nya Vitamin C. .... As we go on - We remember- All the times we- Had together- And as our lives change-Come whatever - We will still be - Friends Forever. :)

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